Cupid’s Arrows

Boxed Valentines just not doing it for you this year? Wanta get a little creative with your kids Valentine’s?  Here’s a cute project you and your kiddos can do together!

From Disney’s Family Fun Magazine

You just need heart shaped gum drops and pretzel sticks. The heart gum drops were hard to find but I finally found at CVS. So I’d suggest trying a drug store first.

Insert pretzel into the top of a gumdrop. Then for the arrow, cut the top off a second gumdrop, as shown, and insert other pretzel end into the uncut part of gumdrop.

Decorate one side of folded cardstock and then fold over the cellophane and staple. Around the card stock side we wrote “Happy Valentine’s…use caution…be careful…Cupid’s Arrows”

Happy Crafting!


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  1. So cute. I saw this and thought about doing it – so glad you did! 🙂

  2. Jenn Mester says:

    Cute idea! =] I miss being a kid and handing out Valentine’s. This would’ve been perfect. Handmade’s always the best!